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Milwaukee native and University of Kenturcky student Henry Hegemann is a vinyl collector who is a firm believer in closing albums with a strong track so he submitted is Top 5 Long Songes That Close Albums. His 5 includes songs by Stone Temple Pilots, Led Zepplin, The Who, Metellica and Greta Van Fleet.

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Stone Temple Pilots: Where the River Goes
1) Henry’s first selection closes Core, the 1992 debut of San Diego based Stone Temple Pilots. About this song Henry said, “I think all albums should end with the albums longest track and “Where the River Goes” is just that. Scott’s vocals on this song are fantastic and the opening drum beat is amazing.
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The Who: Won't Get Fooled Again
2) “Won’t Get Fooled Again” by The Who was Henry’s second choice for his Top 5 Long Songs The Closeout Albums. Henry said, “The longest and my favorite song on this great album. I love the scream in the middle.”
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Led Zepplin: When the Levee Breaks
3) The closing track from Led Zepplin’s 4th album, 1971’s Led Zepplin IV, was Henry’s next choice. Henry said this song is the, “ Perfect way to end a great album. The opening drum track starts the song off so well and sets the tone for the track.”
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Metellica: Spit Out the Bone
4) “Spit Out the Bone” closed Metallica’s 10th studio album, 2016’s Hardwired………To Self-Destruct and Henry included it in his Top 5 because it’s, “The best track off this album and finishes off the album so strongly with a great old school thrash sound.”
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Great Van Fleet: The Weight
5) Including Greta Van Fleet’s "The Weight of Dreams" was a gametime substitution for Henry when he realized he had left off perhaps his favorite example of a long song to end an album. "The Weight of Dreams" closed The Battle at Garden's Gate, GVF’s fourth studio LP released in 2021.
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