This Top 5 was submitted by Susan Steady of Waterford, Connecticut. In her submission Susan wrote, “Music has always played a huge part in my life. Listening and dancing around the living room with my Dad, playing piano, trumpet, and saxophone in school bands through college, in happy times, sad times, and most of all in love with my husband!” This Top 5 felt especially intimate as these are all songs Susan shared with her father Danial Mario Pannella. Daniel, born Donato, was a 1st generation American as his parents had immigrated from Italy before his birth. Daniel was raised speaking Italian in the home. He only began speaking English when he entered school but remained fluent in Italian all his life. Susan was raised with many Italian customs and foods. She still has a large family Christmas celebration on Christmas Eve each year. Susan wrote, “I miss him so much. He was always there to support and love me and our family unconditionally.”